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Welcome Message

Welcome Message

Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the Study Group of Indonesian Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Medicine, I invite you to the Aesthetic Talks x Pinokio 2023 gathers prominent plastic surgeons, dermatologists, anti-aging doctors, skilled practitioners, and well-known aesthetics in one scientific sharing event. This event will congregate the greatest minds of aesthetic practitioners in different specialties to improve knowledge and skills to give better outcomes for patients safety to give a better outcome for patient’s safety. The scientific program will be fully charged with novel and innovative content bringing expertise from the daily practice of different specialties including aesthetic surgical techniques, injectables, lasers and evidence-based devices, regenerative medicine, nutrition, and cosmeceuticals.

A workshop will be held to allow participants applicable and safe skills in injectables and minimally invasive aesthetic treatments. Aesthetic Talks x Pinokio 2023, will be held at Merusaka Nusa Dua, Bali. We are convinced that this event will open the door for collaborative works between aesthetic practitioners, flourishing positive impacts for the advancement of aesthetic practice in Indonesia.

We sincerely welcome you to join us.

Chair of Aesthetic Talks 2023
Teuku Adifitrian (Tompi)
